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Jamie Waghorn

tel:021 928 314
Territory Manager - Canterbury
Jamie Waghorn
When it comes to roles in agriculture, Jamie has just about done them all.

Jamie got his start dairy farming in Culverden, North Canterbury, after finishing high school. He was then accepted as a livestock cadet with Wrightson’s (now PGG Wrightson) where he spent five years gaining experience in animal health, raising and breeding animals, farm management, and farm technology.

Jamie then entered the sales workforce with a livestock management company, where he was involved in helping farmers find solutions in response to the roll-out of the NAIT scheme.

After five years with Wrightson’s, Jamie’s talent for connecting with people saw him build a successful career spanning more than 15 years in sales in the animal management industry.  

Keen to get back to a farmer partnership role, Jamie started as the Gallagher Territory Manager for Canterbury in May 2023. A self-confessed tech-head, Jamie enjoys helping early-adopters (and not so-early-adopters) get on board with new farming technology, and seeing how it can completely transform the way they farm.

“It’s a real thrill to see farmers getting to grips with technology early and running with products that not only make their jobs and lives easier but help them farm more productively and efficiently,” says Jamie. 

“I’m thinking of things like electronic identification, smart break-fencing, and all the monitoring and management you can do from your phone. It’s amazing when you think about the breadth of tech-driven products out there and just how far they’ve come, even in the last 10 years.”

A born-and-bred Cantabrian, Jamie says there’s no other farming region in New Zealand quite like Canterbury – from the rolling plains to the steep hill country, no two farms are the same, and no two farmers have the same problems.

“That’s where Gallagher products really come into their own, and as territory managers we’re well-placed to work at an individualised level with them to help them with solutions that are going to streamline their processes and make their lives that little bit easier.”

Outside of work Jamie enjoys spending time with his wife Lynda and their children Hayley, 12, and Jock, 11, and getting out in the Marlborough Sounds fishing on his 5.5-meter boat.