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Fence further with less

Insulated Line Post & Electric Fence Dropper

Electric Fence Droppers maintain wire spacing while reducing the number of posts required in a fence line. When combined with Gallagher Insulated Line Posts it provides a flexible, cost effective solution for permanent electric fencing. Use our calculator below to learn how much money you can save.

Gallagher Insulated Line Post

The tailor-made electric fence post suitable for every environment, animal and easily installed by hand without the need for machinery.


✓ Simple, low cost installation

✓ Perfectly insulated

✓ Superior animal safety

✓ Multiple configurable wire heights

✓ Highly durable


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Electric Fence Dropper

Suitable for multi-wire sheep, goat and cattle electric fence applications supported by wood, steel, and Gallagher insulated line post.


✓ Lower fencing cost

✓ Easy to install

✓ Superior insulation

✓ High strength, secure wire attachment


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Fencing by the numbers, savings in your pocket