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Dairy Farmers and Gallagher; a Perfect Match

Tuesday, 28 February, 2023

Benefits of using Weighing and EID Gallagher products

  • Improve overall herd health

  • Increase overall farmer productivity - greater ROI 

  • Tracks individual cow data

  • Identify and address health issues in a timely manner

  • Prevent the spread of disease 

  • Reduce the need for antibiotics 

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Animal Performance App

Scale Head

EID Tag Readers

Load Bars


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Gallagher Animal Management's Ray Williams Presents at World Ag Expo as Part of NZTE's Global Trade Initiative

Ray Williams, Director of Technical Operations at Gallagher Animal Management, recently spoke at the World Ag Expo in Tulare, California, on the benefits of individual dairy cow health records and how Gallagher has software and weighing solutions to help dairy farmers maximize their profits and animal health. The World Ag Expo is an annual agricultural trade show held in Tulare, California. The event, which began in 1968, is the largest agricultural trade show in the world, attracting more than 100,000 attendees and over 1,500 exhibitors each year.

During his presentation, Williams highlighted the importance of tracking individual cow health data for improving overall herd health and productivity. He noted that by tracking individual cow data, farmers could identify and address health issues in a timely manner, which can prevent the spread of disease and reduce the need for antibiotics.

Williams also discussed how Gallagher's animal management solutions, such as their EID (Electronic Identification) tag readers and weigh scales, can help farmers track individual cow health data in a fast, accurate, and efficient manner. The EID tag readers allow farmers to easily identify and track individual cows, while the weighing scales provide accurate data on cow weight gain, which is a key indicator of overall health.

In addition, Williams discussed how Gallagher's animal performance software could help farmers analyze their cow health data and make informed decisions to improve herd productivity and profitability. The software allows farmers to track cow performance over time, monitor trends, and identify areas where improvements can be made.

Williams emphasized the importance of utilizing modern animal management tools and software to maximize profits and animal health. He noted that by leveraging the latest technology, farmers could save time, reduce costs, and improve overall herd productivity and profitability.

It's worth noting that Ray Williams' presentation at the World Ag Expo in Tulare, California was part of the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) initiative to highlight New Zealand-based companies and their innovative technologies in the global market.

NZTE is a New Zealand government agency that assists New Zealand businesses to succeed in international markets by providing advice, connections, and tools to help them grow and thrive. Through its global network of offices, NZTE works to connect New Zealand businesses with international buyers, investors, and partners, providing market insights and business intelligence to help them make informed decisions.

By highlighting New Zealand companies and their innovative technologies, NZTE aims to create new business opportunities and partnerships for New Zealand businesses in international markets and to help drive economic growth and development in New Zealand.