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Automatic Watering Solutions

Make replenishing your animal's water supply easier with a Miraco Watering Tank System. All Miraco Watering Systems come with a 5 year warranty.


Keep your No 1 Asset Flowing


These self-filling waterers act like a thermos, whenever an animal drinks, it removes a quantity of water, which is immediately replac ed by ground-temperature water through a valve. Miraco Livestock Watering Tanks has both energy free and heater models available.

  • Automatic Water Monitoring


Automatic Livestock Watering Systems

Automatic waterers improve quality of life for operators & livestock

- Leading horses to a more efficient drink

- The right tools, teamwork help beginning farmers get their start

- Keep cattle cool with these simple heat-beating strategies



Stories from the field: Gallagher water solutions in action

Solutions that sustain people, the planet, and businesses

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